A Subscription Service for
Senior Living Communities
Offering Productions
Unlimited access to a variety of programs
designed for seniors.
More Info HERE
Why the Senior Living Network? From Donna Surface, Founder of the Spiritwood Foundation - a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
My father died of Alzheimer's Disease. He was an amazing singer and performer. Tony Bennett recently shared with the world that he is battling Alzheimer's Disease. We lost Glen Campbell to this disease. The reason I mention those beloved musical performers along with my dad is that they both have credited music for keeping them more mentally aware than they otherwise would have been.
Our Senior Living Network will offer programming designed to engage, stimulate, and spark memories while entertaining. Everything from musical variety and gospel shows to peaceful, calming wilderness shows and interactive seated exercise (I am an ACSM certified exercise physiologist) and dance shows. Every week communities will receive fresh new shows, but the library of shows will always be available to view on demand. Over time this library will grow - and our Senior Living Network will be like Netflix for seniors. We will be recording hundreds of live, multi-media performances to build weekly shows for seniors, and we are building a studio to create the performances. The studio will have a giant green screen to make movie magic for these multi-media shows. With this studio we will be able to provide not only entertainment, but respite from loneliness, boredom, and depression for thousands of seniors.
When my father was in an assisted living home we would go and visit him. In the community room they had the residents seated there with the TV on. Some random show would be playing - Judge Judy, Days of Our Lives, whatever. The residents would just be staring into space. Not engaged. Not stimulated. My father was all but catatonic. It broke my heart. Pat and I have seen this in many of the senior living communities we have visited. Where Pat's mom was, same thing. We walk in and there they are - sitting there - with the TV on, or not. Just sitting.

Staff is busy in these communities. We understand. But what a wonderful thing for them as well as the seniors in their charge to enthusiastically ask their residents 'what would you like to watch now?' Who's ready for some music? Exercise? Dancing? And then they can go back to what they were doing while their residents are engaged in something fun. And that is what we all want - to elevate the quality of life for our seniors.
Thank you for your interest in our network.
Blessings, Donna